
More Than A Buzzword: ESG Is Pioneering Change in Facilities Management

Written by Rosie Thomas DipDigM ACIM | Oct 2, 2023 12:56:25 PM

In an era where businesses must awaken to their profound impact on the planet and society, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles are quickly emerging as the leaders of change.

Across industries, the shift towards responsible, sustainable practices is undeniable, and nowhere is this more evident than in the facilities management sector. 

Read on to explore how ESG shapes the facilities management landscape and spotlight how Biological Preparations are quickly becoming the torchbearer of sustainability.  

Defining ESG Strategy

Before we delve into how facilities management companies are quickly becoming the leaders in sustainability, let’s recap what a robust ESG strategy looks like. 

ESG becomes a strategy when an organisation deliberately incorporates these principles into its overarching business plan and decision-making processes. 

Yet, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach and should be tailored to the company's specific industry, size, and unique circumstances.

More so, it should be dynamic, evolving in response to changing ESG priorities and regulatory landscapes while remaining aligned with the company's long-term sustainability and success.

With that said, here’s what the elements of a strong ESG strategy look like:

  1. Clear ESG Commitment: Expressing dedication to ESG principles through a formal policy statement and establishing a governance structure to oversee its execution.

  2. Environmental Considerations: This includes:
    • Setting specific environmental goals and targets, such as reducing energy consumption, water usage, and greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Implementing sustainable building practices, including energy-efficient systems, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly materials.
    • Promoting waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal practices.
    • Conducting regular environmental audits and assessments to monitor progress and compliance.
  3. Social Responsibility: This includes:
    • Prioritising workplace safety and employee well-being, including training, safety protocols, and a healthy work environment.
    • Developing and implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce.
    • Engaging in community outreach and supporting local initiatives to build positive relationships with neighbouring communities.
    • Promoting ethical supply chain practices, including fair labour standards and responsible sourcing.

  4. Stakeholder Engagement: Regularly engaging with stakeholders, including clients, employees, investors, and the local community, to understand their ESG concerns and expectations. Providing transparent ESG reporting and communication to keep stakeholders informed of progress and initiatives.

  5. Governance and Ethics: Maintaining strong corporate governance practices, including a well-structured board of directors and effective risk management. Ensuring ethical conduct throughout the organisation, including zero tolerance for corruption or unethical behaviour. Establishing clear policies and procedures for data privacy and cybersecurity.

  6. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conducting comprehensive ESG risk assessments to identify potential environmental, social, and governance risks. Developing and implementing mitigation strategies to address identified risks effectively.

  7. Metrics and Measurement: Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure ESG performance. Regularly tracking, reporting, and benchmarking progress against established KPIs.

  8. Innovation and Technology: Embracing technology and innovation to enhance ESG efforts, such as using IoT for energy management or implementing smart building solutions.

  9. Training and Education: Providing ongoing ESG training and education for employees to ensure awareness and compliance with ESG initiatives.

  10. Continuous Improvement: Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and updating the ESG strategy based on changing circumstances and stakeholder feedback.

  11. External Certification and Standards: Consider seeking third-party certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or ISO 14001, to validate and benchmark ESG performance.

How Facilities Management is Crucial in Pioneering Change

Facilities management companies are no longer mere service providers but the architects of sustainability by weaving ESG principles into the very fabric of their operations.

Consequently, ESG investment strategies have become the “north star” or compass guiding these companies towards responsible decisions that foster long-term value.

To paint a clearer picture, let’s delve into the specifics of how facilities management contributes to pioneering change:

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact

By implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices, FM companies significantly reduce a facility's carbon footprint and energy consumption, directly contributing to the "E" in ESG.

An example of this in action would be from none other than Apple's Renewable Energy Commitment

Apple has been working to power all its facilities with 100% renewable energy. Their FM teams ensure that their data centres, offices, and stores are energy-efficient and powered by clean energy sources.

Waste Management and Sustainability

FM is responsible for waste management, including recycling and disposal. By implementing recycling programs and reducing waste generation, FM companies are promoting sustainable practices and reducing a facility's environmental impact, further contributing to the "E" in ESG.

A prime example of this is Singapore's Green Mark Certification:

Singapore's Building and Construction Authority (BCA) introduced the Green Mark certification for buildings. FM companies in Singapore have played a pivotal role in helping buildings achieve higher Green Mark ratings by implementing sustainable waste management practices and energy-efficient solutions.

Sustainable Procurement

Facilities management often involves purchasing supplies and materials. FM professionals can make environmentally responsible choices by selecting sustainable and ethically sourced products, influencing the supply chain and positively impacting the "E" and "S" in ESG.

Health and Well-being of Occupants

FM professionals are responsible for creating a safe and comfortable environment for building occupants. This includes air quality, ergonomics, and safety measures. By ensuring the well-being of occupants, FM companies are contributing to the "S" in ESG by promoting social responsibility and employee satisfaction.

Compliance and Reporting

FM teams can help organisations adhere to ESG regulations and reporting requirements. They ensure that facilities meet environmental standards, monitor compliance, and collect data necessary for ESG reporting, which is critical for the "G" in ESG.

Cost Savings and Resource Efficiency

Implementing sustainable practices in facilities management often leads to cost savings in the long run. Energy-efficient systems, reduced waste, and optimised resource use are lowering operational costs while aligning with environmental and social goals.

Stakeholder Engagement

FM professionals engage with stakeholders, including employees, tenants, and community members, to raise awareness of ESG initiatives and gather input. This approach fosters a sense of shared responsibility and involvement, contributing to the "S" and "G" aspects of ESG.

Innovation and Adaptation

FM companies drive innovation by adopting new technologies and practices that enhance sustainability. 

They also play a role in adapting facilities to changing environmental conditions, such as extreme weather events, which is important for resilience and the "E" and "S" aspects of ESG.

Long-Term Planning

By incorporating ESG principles into strategic planning, FM professionals ensure that facilities are sustainable and resilient over time, contributing to the "E" and "G" in ESG.

The Future in Focus

The future of facilities management is irrevocably intertwined with ESG principles as the sector continues its journey towards sustainability.

Emerging trends reveal the potential for facilities management companies to redefine their purpose and achieve unprecedented societal and environmental outcomes. Such as:

Smart Building Technologies

Integrating IoT sensors, data analytics, and automation into buildings enables FM companies to optimise energy usage, improve occupant comfort, and reduce environmental impact. 

These technologies allow for predictive maintenance, enhancing the longevity and sustainability of building assets.

Circular Economy Practices

FM companies are adopting circular economy principles by emphasising resource efficiency, waste reduction, and recycling within facilities. 

They are exploring ways to extend the lifecycle of materials and equipment, minimising the environmental footprint.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

There is a growing emphasis on energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy adoption within facilities. 

FM companies are helping organisations transition to clean energy sources and reduce carbon emissions by implementing solar panels, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and advanced lighting solutions.

Sustainable Procurement

FM companies are increasingly prioritising sustainable procurement practices. They source environmentally friendly products and materials, supporting sustainability across the supply chain and reducing the carbon footprint of facility operations.

Health and Well-being Initiatives

FM companies recognise the importance of creating healthier and more sustainable indoor environments. They are implementing strategies such as improved indoor air quality, green building certifications, and wellness programs to enhance occupant well-being.

Resilience Planning

With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and other disruptions, FM companies are now turning their focus to resilience planning. They help organisations prepare for and respond to crises by ensuring facilities have backup systems, disaster recovery plans, and resilient infrastructure.

Carbon Neutrality Goals

Many FM companies are setting ambitious carbon neutrality goals for their operations. They are actively working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offset their remaining carbon footprint through strategies like reforestation and carbon credit investments.

Technology-Enabled Service Delivery

The use of digital platforms, mobile apps, and AI-driven solutions is streamlining service delivery in FM. These technologies enable proactive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and data-driven decision-making, enhancing both efficiency and sustainability.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

FM companies are recognising the importance of diversity and inclusion within their workforces. By fostering diverse talent and creating inclusive workplaces, they contribute to social progress and reflect the values of their clients.

Community Engagement and Social Impact

FM companies are extending their influence beyond facility boundaries by engaging with local communities and supporting social impact initiatives. They may collaborate with nonprofits, provide job training, or invest in community development projects.

Data Transparency and Reporting

FM companies are increasingly transparent about their sustainability efforts by providing comprehensive ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting. This transparency allows clients and stakeholders to assess their environmental and social impact.

Ultimately, these emerging trends highlight the transformative potential of FM companies to go beyond traditional facility management and become agents of positive change in society and the environment. 

By aligning their operations with sustainability, resilience, and social impact goals, FM companies can redefine their purpose and contribute significantly to a more sustainable and resilient future.

ESG Investment Strategies in Facilities Management

In the world of facilities management, where sustainability and responsible practices are taking centre stage, the influence of ESG extends beyond operational considerations. 

It has also found its way into the following investment strategies that drive the sector's growth and development:

Positive Screening for Sustainable Partnerships

Facilities management companies, keen on aligning their operations with ESG principles, increasingly apply positive screening within their investment strategies. 

This means they actively seek partnerships with suppliers, service providers, and contractors who share their commitment to sustainability. 

These firms meet operational needs and contribute to the larger goal of ESG integration within the sector.

Negative Screening for Ethical Excellence

Conversely, the negative screening aspect of ESG investment strategies has led facilities management companies to distance themselves from partnerships that run counter to their values.

By avoiding collaborations with entities involved in unethical or environmentally harmful practices, these companies uphold their dedication to responsible business conduct.

Integration for Comprehensive Decision-Making

Traditionally driven by operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness, facilities management is evolving into a discipline integrating ESG considerations into investment decisions. 

Whether retrofitting a building for energy efficiency, choosing suppliers with strong labour practices, or prioritising governance excellence in vendor selection, the ESG lens now forms an integral part of the decision-making process.

Engaging for Sustainable Progress

Much like ESG investors engage with the companies they support, facilities management firms are engaging with their partners to promote sustainability. Dialogues, incentives, and mutual commitments drive positive change throughout the supply chain, pushing for better ESG performance among vendors, contractors, and service providers.

Success Stories: Integrating ESG into Investment Strategies

There are success stories abound of companies integrating ESG into their investment strategies, safeguarding the planet while delivering robust returns. Some of the most significant include: 

ISS World Services

ISS is a worldwide provider of facility services that prioritises sustainability and social responsibility. The company places emphasis on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and employee well-being. 

ISS has successfully attracted clients seeking responsible solutions by integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into its services. They have achieved this by implementing:

Energy Efficiency Programs

ISS has implemented energy efficiency programs within the facilities it manages. This includes optimising lighting systems, HVAC systems, and other energy-consuming equipment to reduce energy consumption and lower carbon emissions. Energy-efficient practices not only save costs but also align with ESG goals.

Waste Reduction and Recycling

The company actively promotes waste reduction and recycling programs in the facilities it serves. By implementing effective waste management practices, ISS helps clients minimise their environmental impact, reduce landfill waste, and divert materials toward recycling, contributing to sustainability objectives.

Employee Well-being Initiatives

ISS places a strong emphasis on employee well-being. The company provides training and support for its workforce, focusing on safety, health, and job satisfaction. By prioritising employee welfare, ISS fosters a positive workplace culture and promotes the social aspect of ESG.

Sustainable Sourcing

ISS engages in responsible procurement practices by sourcing environmentally friendly products and materials. This approach not only reduces the environmental footprint of the supplies used in facility management but also supports sustainable supply chains and aligns with ESG principles.

Green Cleaning Practices

ISS incorporates green cleaning practices that use environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods. This reduces the use of harmful chemicals and minimises the impact on indoor air quality, contributing to healthier and more sustainable environments.

Client Engagement and Education

ISS actively engages with clients to raise awareness about sustainability and ESG practices. The company provides guidance and education on sustainable facility management, helping clients make informed decisions that align with their sustainability goals.

ESG Reporting

Like many companies committed to ESG principles, ISS likely produces annual sustainability reports that provide transparency on its ESG performance. These reports showcase the company's progress in achieving sustainability targets and highlight its contributions to clients' ESG objectives.

Community Engagement

ISS may engage in community outreach and social impact initiatives. These efforts can include supporting local communities through charitable activities, volunteerism, or initiatives that promote social well-being.


Sodexo, a leading food services and facilities management company, has a strong commitment to ESG values. 

It has implemented sustainability practices in its operations, such as reducing food waste and promoting local sourcing. 

These efforts not only align with ESG principles but also resonate with clients seeking responsible food service providers. Here are some examples of how Sodexo has achieved this:

Food Waste Reduction

Sodexo has implemented comprehensive food waste reduction programs across its operations. These programs include measures such as food waste tracking, portion control, and innovative food preparation techniques to minimise food waste. By doing so, Sodexo not only reduces its environmental footprint but also contributes to the fight against global food waste.

Local and Sustainable Sourcing

The company places a strong emphasis on sourcing local and sustainable ingredients for its food services. By procuring food locally, Sodexo supports local economies, reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation, and ensures the freshness and quality of its offerings. Sustainable sourcing aligns with ESG values, as it promotes responsible supply chain practices.

Healthy and Nutritious Food Options

Sodexo offers diverse and health-conscious food options to cater to the nutritional needs and preferences of its clients and consumers. This commitment to promoting healthy eating aligns with the "S" (Social) aspect of ESG, as it contributes to the well-being of individuals and communities.

Waste Reduction Beyond Food

Beyond food waste, Sodexo also focuses on waste reduction in other aspects of its operations, such as packaging and disposable materials. The company works to minimise single-use plastics and encourages the use of eco-friendly alternatives.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Facilities Management

In its facilities management services, Sodexo integrates energy-efficient practices and sustainability measures. This includes optimising energy consumption in buildings, implementing green building standards, and managing waste and recycling programs in the facilities it manages.

Employee Engagement and Training

Sodexo engages its employees in sustainability efforts by providing training and resources. Employees are encouraged to adopt sustainable practices, contribute to waste reduction, and participate in community outreach initiatives.

Transparency and Reporting

Like many companies committed to ESG, Sodexo likely produces sustainability reports that detail its ESG performance. These reports provide transparency on its sustainability initiatives and achievements, showcasing its dedication to responsible business practices.

The Growing Importance of ESG in the Cleaning Industry

The cleaning industry, often operating behind the scenes, is undergoing a profound transformation driven by the surging relevance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. 

Traditionally seen as a sector primarily concerned with hygiene and sanitation, cleaning companies now recognise their pivotal role in promoting responsible and sustainable practices.

ESG has emerged as a powerful force reshaping the industry, prompting organisations to rethink their operations, products, and services in the context of environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance excellence. 

Biological Preparations: A Beacon of ESG Commitment

At Biological Preparations, we proudly stand as a trailblazer in facilities management, embodying an unwavering commitment to ESG principles.

Our journey towards sustainable business management within our company has been an incredible experience, serving as a testament to the transformative power of ESG. 

That's because we've witnessed firsthand how our dedication to these principles has made a significant impact on our operations.

The positive ripples from our ESG initiatives resonate throughout the facilities management sector, filling us with immense pride. 

We have specific examples that underscore how our dedication has not only reduced our environmental footprint but has also enhanced our social responsibility and governance practices.

Final Word: ESG Isn’t A Buzzword, It’s A Chance for Change

ESG isn't just a buzzword. It's the compass guiding the facilities management sector towards a brighter, more sustainable future. 

Biological Preparations and other pioneering companies exemplify how ESG can be the lodestar for transformation. 

Their unwavering commitment to sustainable business management demonstrates that ESG is not merely a trend but a profound force reshaping the world. 

As the world continues to journey through these transformative times, facilities management's metamorphosis under the guiding light of ESG principles inspires us all—a testament to the power of conscious, responsible business in creating a better tomorrow.